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The best reviews of Elton concerts come not from newspapers who are paid to turn in a story, but the fans who shelled out their hard-earned cash and want to see a great gig.

With that in mind, we now invite Elton fans to write their reviews of Elton’s concerts in a new series called Concert Feedback.

We already have a few out there from the recent Farewell Tour, such as CONCERT FEEDBACK – THREE MAGICAL NIGHTS IN HAMBURG by Melanie Hentschel, CONCERT FEEDBACK – BIG TIME IN THE BIG APPLE by Cheryl Herman, or CONCERT FEEDBACK – LONDON SPRING OF LOVE IN AUTUMN OF YEARS by George Matlock.

We also invite you to write about concerts you have seen from the start of Elton’s tours in 1970. If you can spare us 200 up to 1,000 words, and have a few photos of the gig, you are invited to share your experiences and recollections with other fans. You never know, someone else reading it might have been at the same gig and can fill you in on some of it! How cool!

As Elton concludes touring in 2023, now is the time to come together and share your memories from 53 gig years.

The best way is to write from the heart, like the way you would express your fandom. Use a word document to write it so that you don’t lose it. And then go to our CONTACT page. Upload your word document and photos and send them over to us.

If you can include a recent photo of you and a short description of who you are, we might be able to add that biog to your story!

You will be able to locate the Concert Feedbacks under the Specials section of

You can write in as often as you like. Thank you!


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