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We are delighted and proud to announce the launch (on time) of Elton John World – the website by fans for fans celebrating Elton John.

We rather hoped the US rocket launch today of Artemis-1 would go smoothly too. Alas, it was not to be as a fuel leak thwarted (again) the launch of this rocket.

But today we have also reflected on the value that Elton John World brings to readers. It was a thrill that today, yes launch day, Universal Music delivered my re-press of the Blu-Ray for Madman Across the Water 50th anniversary Deluxe box set.

Blu-Ray replacement

As some of you will have read on eltonjohnworld over the summer there was an error on the Blu-Ray which resulted in one track being the wrong version! I had ordered the box set and frankly was busy with other things in life. Until I recently stumbled upon our article while working on the website revamp, which alerted me to the error and the offer to send the corrected Blu-Ray. I would say the error has added some rarity value – although not as much as a  pressing of The Beatles’ 1963 “From Me To You” which resulted in playing backwards! I knew someone who took their copy back to Woolworths’ the retailer for a refund. It is now worth thousands of pounds if you have one handy!

So I want to personally thank our chief correspondent, Cheryl Herman, who has tirelessly delivered news to this website for 20 years, for writing about the error on the Madman box set. I might have missed this otherwise!

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