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Robert Hilmersson says he always had a passion for Elton and his music. So he decided to combine two world famous pianists/entertainers in one painting–the Rocket Man and Liberace.

He told this Web site:
”My work was displayed in my gallery in London, Walton Fine Art, and it just happened that this special commission was made to add to the singer’s collection.
”The handover of the painting also then coincided with Elton John’s renewed vows which made an even better framing.
”I have also sold pictures to Adam Ant and done portraits for a well-known real estate family (Wallenstam) in Sweden.”
Meanwhile over in Canada, Dorian Fitzgerald has frequently been influenced by popular culture. One of his pieces, created in 2010, is called Elton John’s Sunglasses. The painting consists of two panels, and was part of an exhibition titled Property of a Gentleman. It is now in a private collection in Eastern Canada.
Clint Roenisch, whose gallery represents the Toronto resident, says that Dorian worked from a photograph.
He adds:
”He has not made other works related to musicians. He decided on the EJ sunglasses because of his long standing interest in depicting situations of materialist excess.”

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