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Dan Corbin’s new book, Kiss of the Art Gods, is a memoir of the figurative artist’s life and includes his associations with models and years of struggle.

Although Elton is among his collectors, Dan tells this Web site’s Chief Editor that there are no photos of the singer’s sculptures in the book. However, Dan has shared other related information with this Web site. . . .
EJW: Which of your works did the musician purchase?
DC: Elton collected two pieces. One was a female figure; the other was a male figure titled Cutting Pears.
EJW: How did he hear about you?
DC:  In 2004 I had a one man show at Fay Gold’s gallery in Atlanta, Georgia, Elton John owned the entire fifth floor of a high rise near the gallery and was friends with Fay. She gave the singer a personal premiere of my work before the show opened. He bought two on the spot on the condition they be delivered to his residency in two hours. He was on tour and wanted them immediately. I flew in that night form California and did not get a chance to meet him. Nonetheless, it was a fortuitous event in my life. Fay sold the show out and to this day people still ask me, eyes shining, ‘Did you meet Elton John?’
You can catch a glimpse of my sculptures in his bathroom at the following link. It’s from an older episode of NBC‘s Today Show

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