Our guest was studio manager of the Caribou Ranch studio in Colorado where Elton recorded several albums including 1974 classic Caribou. John Carsello talks about the making of the album, ahead of the release of an extended vinyl version on UK Record Store Day, 20 April. Find out how Elton was evicted by the Rolling Stones, and how Elton swapped roles to deliver burgers to his band.

Recorded 13 March 2024.

First broadcast 30 March 2024

Hosted by George Matlock

All Podcasts now available in full at rej.world and radioeltonjohn.world

CORRECTION: The guest would like to outpoint that "If You Leave Me Now", was written by Peter Cetera of Chicago. Jim Guercio wrote "Tell Me" which was sung by Terry Kath of the group Chicago.

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