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Earlier the month, we lanched a new logo for And we asked for your opinions on it. In a poll that closed on 21 January, we asked you to choose which of the following statements best reflected your view on the new logo:

I LOVE the logo and give it a High Five!

I am OK with the logo

I don’t see what the FUSS is about. Do we need a logo?

I am a bit SCEPTICAL about the logo

I DISLIKE the logo

Elton John World logo 2024

We had just over 500 responses – and that underscores just how much you wanted your voices heard on this topic. A logo expresses an important statement about the values of an organisation. So we really appreciate you seeing how important this all is.

We were thrilled that 50% of you loved the new logo, and a further 43% said you were ok with it. Only 7% said they were sceptical about the logo. That is also a good response as it means that the logo might grow on them, or we have a little more to do to convince them.

Thank you for taking part in our survey and for engaging with your Elton John community, your Elton John World.

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