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Elton has been treating fans to classic concerts on YouTube while also raising money for his AIDS foundation’s COVID-19 Emergency Fund. So Cheryl’s Specials decided to explore some classic concert moments.


There were plenty of these in the seventies. Neil Zlozower, who has snapped pictures of everyone from AC/DC to ZZ Top, and whose shots have graced over 800 magazine covers, was at several events, including Dodger Stadium in 1975. He shared some links from his Atlas Icons site with EJW. Atlas Icons, which contains Elton John 
images from others as well, was formed by Neil and two other photographers to supply the music industry with high quality, cutting edge, iconic and first class images of the top artists of the past, present and future. 
Here are the links Neil provided:

Another captivating moment (or ”moments”) didn’t actually involve one of the Rocket Man’s own engagements. During the latter part of February 1974, David Cassidy and Elton were in New Zealand at the same time. 

So when the former played Auckland Town Hall, Elton came onstage towards the end of the show, where, according to David’s Web site, the two performed numbers like Jailhouse Rock and Rock Around The Clock.
There are a couple of references to this in Louise Poynton’s new book, Cherish: David Cassidy, a Legacy of Love. EJW asked the writer what she knew. . . .
EJW: There are lots of fan reports in your book. Two of them make reference to David’s New Zealand concert, when Elton showed up. Do you know if photos were taken?
LP: It is a mystery as to where these pictures might be. Fans certainly recall the concert, and band members have spoken about it. It would be wonderful to see images and hear audio, nether of which I’ve been able to trace. They were good friends in the seventies.
EJW: Didn’t Elton talk about wanting to go into the studio with David?
LP: Elton spoke in interviews over the years about how he wanted to write for and produce him, and some of this was before the ’74 concert appearance. It seems they were never able to reach an agreement on anything but rumours have been around for decades that they may have laid down some demos at some stage. Again, nothing has surfaced, but it sure would be something really special. They certainly spent a lot of time together in the UK where David had a lot of respect from the likes of Mick Jagger and Rod Stewart. And Alice Cooper has always been a great ambassador of David’s work. 
Another interesting bit not mentioned in ”Cherish” is that David later covered one of his colleague’s songs. I’m Still Standing was recorded at Royal Albert Hall and released as part of Cassidy’s His Greatest Hits Live.

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