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Some of you may have noticed in late 2024 a new slogan appearing on our social media channels “Fighting Fake News”. That is not hacked. That’s us.

This is our proclaimed motto as we enter 2025.

Elton has remained active with singing collaborations and even an emotional appearance at Disney. But overall, in the parst year, Elton’s news has become centred more around his health than his creativity,  and we have seen a lot of fake stories emerging on the internet. This is understandable now that touring is over while we ALL wait for Elton’s new album, the focal point of every fan.

Some fans have chosen to reach out to us through the website, emails and even social media to demand an answer “Is Elton’s new album coming soon?”

Ask yourselves this. If it was, do you think we would be keeping it hid?

We know as much as you do, ok, possibly we have a lead. But we don’t know for sure. And we are not here to peddle rumours or raise exepctations. If anything, we always try to manage expectations!

Elton John World has been in the news business for more than two decades and what our authors, who have been writing a lot longer about Elton than 20 years, learned in that time is to be sceptical about some of the “news” that gets traded by bots and shadow sites. When those stories enter the mainstream news, Elton has on occasion had to take issue with newspapers.

Everyone has a right to some privacy, famous or not. But when you are famous it is harder to manage.

We cannot stamp out fake news and idle speculation. When a story comes out very often fans speculate on social media. That’s natural. Some are nice, some not very diplomatic. But that’s the public.

Yet, when it is masked as “real news” then we all have a problem with it.

That’s why Elton John World is already taking a stand against Fake Elton News and will continue in 2025.

But verified and responsbile journalism costs money. And it is why sister website is a subscription service.

We could accept your donations. But we feel that’s inequitable. Some fans who want to help haven’t the cash. But it’s also unfair that some very generous and kind-hearted fans want to donate while others are happy to ride on those donations.

It is why we set up We want to give you something back for your kindness. Of course, you can sign up for and never use it. That would be a de facto donation LOL!

You can read more about why started here and how it helps the wider website too.

But we hope you enjoy as well as our aim to reduce the emergence of Fake Elton News. We thank you for your help in 2024 and your continued support in 2025.

We wish you a very healthy and happy 2025 as we do to Elton and his family.

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