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By Cindy Ainsworth

Hello there.  I just noticed that you would like a few words about the person submitting a concert experience.

I lived in LA during the 1970s and what a great time it was.  Big Elton fan from 1973 on, those 1975 Dodger Stadium shows were a 70s concert experience highlight for me.

Later, life got in the way as it always does, but at one point, I read his autobiography and saw Rocketman. And then the pandemic happened.  During that period, I realized how much fun I had chasing down Elton. I started to go through my EJ things and reading once again all I could about him.

Not a stadium concert fan, I was somewhat bummed that I missed seeing Elton.

Then, after Covid calmed down, they announced the Dodger Stadium shows.  That was it, I had to go.  The whole 360 thing for me.  Before the shows. I touched base with some fantastic Elton fans on FB (Elton john Fans (2low4zero)), attended a once in a lifetime LA Elton event during the period of the Dodger shows, I was interviewed by Universal Music because of my 360 experience and lastly, attended the final LA show.  It was the best.

Now I have a FB group page that celebrates Elton called Elton Clippings (all the old Elton news that fits).

You can say, I never went away, but I’m hooked again!

Looking like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid

My Elton fan friend Melissa, asked that I do a review comparing the 75 to the 22 concerts.  Wow, that is harder than I thought it would be but it has allowed me to collect my thoughts about what I experienced in 75 and then during the past three weeks.  I am back from two concerts in Phoenix and the phenomenal November 20th concert at Dodger Stadium.  It has been a whirlwind experience and it has taken me a few days to come down from it all.

For one thing, I made my way to the front for both 75 performances so that was different from the 22 concerts. Although I had floor seats for two 22 concerts, I was not directly in front.  So I spent most of the time watching the concert on those large screens.  That was ok..  It still gave me a chance to sing, celebrate and dance to Elton’s collection of songs. And besides, I knew I had to be at the last Dodger Stadium show regardless of the seats.

So, seeing Elton up close and personnel in 75 really was special.  I said in my 75 journal “there’s not much else I can say, he is near perfect in concert.  He is an incredible performer.” Being able to see all the fun wacky faces he made and strutting his tough boy image was so memorable. Elton being able to hit those high notes; I miss that but today he has arranged the songs in such a wonderful way to handle his voice.  He was in fine voice for the three concerts I saw.

Just watching all the activity on the stage was so much fun in 75. Seeing Bernie in 75 and 22 was very emotional for me.  I teared up on Sunday and in 75 I called him a little fox (too funny).  Seeing Kiki Dee was special too.

Differences:  from blue jeans to sparkle.  The 75 crowd was a blue jean baby, bohemian crowd vs the 22 glitter, boas and costumes. People really didn’t dress up much in 75. I like the costumes!

Nothing changes—Funeral For a Friend/Loves Lies Bleeding. That whole selection of music along with the dry ice effects are classic. Same build-up as in 75.  It was thrilling in 75 as it was in 22. Now the lighting and digital media effects were magnificent.  Something I will always remember.  I remember in 75 the Pinball Wizard encore drove the crowd crazy. It was great hearing it live. The movie Tommy came out in 75 and that scene (my friend and I sat through the movie twice so we could see Elton) really made the movie and song popular.

Greatness never changes — Elton and the music and the band. Band was a bit different but both 75 and 22 brought the house down.  I remember in 75 Davey and Elton exchanging piano and guitar licks (and Elton playing the guitar with his teeth), and in 22 both improvised on Rocket Man.  That version was a 22 highlight for me.  I said in my journal that” the band is so together and it was probably the best sounding concert.”  Same today, hands down.y favorite songs for 75?  An interesting selection.  Loved Country Comfort, LEVON (still my favorite song and I thought the 22 version was very powerful) Empty Sky and of course Saturday Night’s  All-right for Fighting (still a favorite), which I said went on for about 25 minutes. Liked Hercules too.

But this was interesting.  I reported that he did a really great version of “I Saw Her Standing There” with Caleb doing a great Chuck Berry imitation; I observed “Caleb going across the stage ala Chuck Berry.”  Wow, I wished I had mentioned that to Caleb when I met him last week!
There are the obvious — In 75 Elton was in complete charge of that stage; doing what he does best, over the top entertain. Throwing the piano bench many times, playing the piano under the piano, jumping on and off the piano and my favorite, doing his donkey kicks. He drove the crowd wild. While I always felt it was spontaneous, I now realize Elton knew exactly what he was doing.  Striking up the crowd!!!  Today Sir Elton can do the same by just walking out to the piano.  All those years have added millions of adoring fans.  While the 22 shows are polished and a complete production, they were exciting and a real rush.  The shows are more than a rock show.  But I do get a bit nostalgic for the spontaneity of those 75 concerts.  That feeling is missing a bit.

Like EJ, I do  have a weird sense of humor.  I wrote in 75 that “when he loses most of his hair he will probably call it quits (his losing his hair was a big issue to the press).”  Then I state “can you imagine his farewell concert?” Oh wow, that’s a bit creepy.  Little did I know 47 years later I would be attending that show?

Elton, it’s been a hell of a ride; and we’ve both aged.  Although I stood for most of the concert on Sunday, it was a bit of a challenge.  His music and Elton himself has completed me in more ways that I can’t explain. It has been so much fun and I will continue to celebrate him as he brings on his new challenges.  And  besides as I said in 75, “he’s adorable.”

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